As we gear up to provide you with more stories and posts of our healing successes (and heartaches) it will be helpful to make certain we are all on the same page about Three Treasures Farms’ methods and beliefs when dealing with the health paradigm. We see all the horses as individuals and treat each horse on a case by case basis. We have also learned to focus on the big picture, recognizing symptoms for what they are (the tell-tale signs of underlying causes). This method requires a much higher degree of involvement, awareness and commitment than most Americans have traditionally experienced in health care. It also requires time, patience and a pro-active mind set. We will show you how we utilize the wisdom of alternative forms of health care while blending it with the advances of Western allopathic forms, in order to provide a more complete heath picture.
Most of us grew up learning that if you had a headache you took aspirin or Tylenol, if you had a stomachache you drank some pink stuff and it was fine. We never gave any thought to why we hurt or what our bodies might be trying to communicate to us with that pain. It takes a huge shift in the way we think to realize we are getting angry too easily and should therefore check in with how our liver is doing, or to try making the leap that the eczema on your leg may be due to a problem in the small intestines. Then there is the even greater leap in thinking about how the emotions you are experiencing and your thoughts may be planning a role in your health as well. Now imagine that you have to think about what is going on in the mind and emotional landscape of your animals accurately enough to use that information in choosing a healing route. It’s really not as easy as we make it look.
People tend to think in treatment terms of the antibiotic paradigm, which is you take this pill twice a day for ten days and the symptoms are gone. People will read about herbs or homeopathics and think “it does this” and when they take that herb or remedy they expect results instantly, and when they don’t get instant results they assume it’s because the herb or remedy doesn’t work. There is an art to working with herbs and homeopathic remedies that is not a linear equation. I tend to think of herbs in terms of friends. You have the friends you see regularly and depend on for emotional support. You have the friends you keep in touch with on Facebook. You have the friends you feel you don’t get to see enough, but love the time you have with them. You have the friends that can’t be around certain other friends, and you have the friends that you do things together with as a group. I often think about herbal formulas in terms of seating at a wedding reception. Mind you, I have never had to do this for myself, but have marveled at the headache it has caused several friends over the years. Over the next few months we will be introducing you to some of our healing friends and giving you the opportunity to make them your friends.
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